
2020-03-21 17:17:55浏览 : 134 次0 评论

梦想的英文是:dream读音:英 [driːm] 美 [driːm] n. 梦;梦想v. 做梦;梦想作“梦想”解时可用于“dreamof+ v -ing”结构。 双语例句:Hisdreamof becoming an artist has been fulfilled. 他成为一个艺术家的梦想实现了。 常用短。


dream有复数,复数形式:dreams 词汇解析:dream英文发音:[driːm] 中文释义:n.梦;睡梦;梦想;理想;愿望;梦幻状态;恍惚;出神 例句: He had finally accomplished hisdreamof becoming a pilot 他终实现了成为一名飞行员的梦想。 短。

I don’t know what thatdreamis that you have. I don’t care how disappointing it might have been, as you’ve been working toward thatdream. Thatdreamthat you are holding in your mind that is possible. That some of you already。

互译歌词:Dreamit possible梦想成为可能 I will run, I will climb, I will soar. 我奔跑,我攀爬,我会飞翔。 I'm undefeated 永不言败 Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord 跳出我的皮肤,拨弄琴弦 Yeah I believe it 哦,我相信。 Th。

1、有的,这里的dreamto do sth.不是梦想做某事的意思。to do是作为宾语补足语补充宾语dream的。 2、dream一些其他的用法如下: make one'sdreamcome true=achieve one'sdream实现某人的梦想dreamof doing/sth梦想做某事dreamabout do。

梦想的英文为dream,音标为:英 [dri:m] 美 [drim]。 1、词源解说 十三世纪中期进入英语,直接源自古北欧语的draumr,意为梦。 2、英英释义 If you describe something as a particular person'sdream, you think that it would be ideal for 。

问:梦想(dream)=?D=(?) R=(?)E(?)A=(?)M=(?)

ideal,vision和dream三者有以下的不同: ideal An idea or standard that seems perfect, and worth trying to achieve or obtain 理想。更多的是指一种你认为完美的、很值得尝试的想法或标准。 eg. Walt Disney stayed true to his ideals. 沃。
